More Indoor Fun! | Greenwich Moms

Baking and cooking are great ways to get the kids involved and make them feel important in the kitchen. We love the Curious Chef set It is a great kitchen set that is perfect ages 3+.
Painting is a creative way to pass the time when you’re just too comfortable to leave the house. The Crayola washable paint is our favorite because there’s no odor and it washes off pretty much everything. We also love My First Finger Painting Set. Let’s just say we paint a lot in the winter!
Who doesn’t love a good dance party?! Some of our favorite kid-friendly stations on Pandora include:
Toddler Radio — For kids 4 and under
Kid Bopz
Rockabye Baby OR Sleepy Time — Meant for kids 5 and under
Radio for Kids — Meant for kids 7 and under
Rockin’ Kids Radio — Meant for kids 7 and under
Tween Radio — Meant for ages 8 to adult

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