Four Hopkins Parents - On Hopkins - Greenwich Moms

Middle and high school are critical periods in any young person’s life, as these are the years that will help shape the person they will become. Selecting a school for this formative time comes down to a series of choices — about academic quality, community, values, relationships, extracurricular pursuits, college placement and more.

So the question arises: What is the best environment for this experience to take place? We invite you to meet some of our Hopkins parents, as they share their thoughts about the transformative education and close community they’ve found at Hopkins School.

Dan  — on developing smart, confident students

“Around the dinner table each night, I’m blown away with the depth and breadth of topics we discuss as a family. My daughter has been allowed to develop her own voice. She’s a more confident student in the classroom and has grown tremendously during her time at Hopkins. She is ready to thrive in college and beyond.”

Fact: Hopkins has more National Merit scholar candidates than any other public or private school in Connecticut.

Holly — on meeting students where they are

“My two children are very different learners. In both cases, Hopkins met them where they were, gave them the tools to succeed, and both of them have thrived academically, in their own unique way. We are grateful for our Hopkins education.”

Fact: Our 5:1 student-to-faculty ratio allows for a very personalized experience.

Meg — on a genuine, supportive community

“At Hopkins, students are able to explore and pursue their individual strengths and interests. And it’s exciting to see how the students take delight in the strengths and interests of their classmates. They genuinely cheer on the successes and interests of other students, however different those interests may be from their own.”

Fact: There are no set tracks here — each student is encouraged to travel their own unique path.

Namuk — on building valuable lifelong skills

“The Hopkins experience encourages students to explore and pursue passions, not only in academics but in athletics, the arts and more. It’s through these pursuits that students develop important life skills such as resilience, independence, leadership and teamwork as well as long-lasting, deep friendships.”

Fact: 188 academic courses; 85 student clubs and organizations; 79 interscholastic teams; 100% arts participation

Come join our close community of dedicated students, teachers and parents, as we inspire and challenge one another in a collective pursuit of excellence. To learn more, please contact the Admission Team at 203.397.1001 x 212 or [email protected].

Learn more about our Hopkins education and community — visit our virtual admissions center.

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