Cowan Center Event: Aesop’s Fables - Greenwich Moms

Aesop’s delightful fables of wit and wisdom, including The Stag at the Pool, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Fox and the Grapes, The Wind and the Sun, and The Lion and the Mouse come to life through the large and colorful puppets of nationally acclaimed puppeteer and storyteller, Jim West. You will also meet Aesop himself, in his Greek toga, with his dog Moral by his side. Other beloved characters, ingeniously created from paper bags, newspaper and cardboard boxes, make their appearance to the enchanting music of Scarlatti, Beethoven, Rossini and Chopin, inspiring the child in all of us. Please join for Jim West Puppet Productions’ Aesop’s Fables in an hour long show recommended for children up to 4th grade.
Massey Theater, Greenwich Academy at 200 North Maple Ave in Greenwich
Saturday, Jan 30
For tickets:
For additional information: Amy Yantorno at 203 625 8995

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