Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Specials for Greenwich Moms | Greenwich Moms

We are excited to share with you special Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Deals for our Readers!

Offering 20% off the entire store Friday-Sunday. This includes new arrivals and an additional 20% off of already reduced sale items. For online shopping: code is BLACKFRI20.
Go Figure’s 2nd annual Black Friday Sale is on!!
30% off all class packages & 20% of all activewear (excluding socks) If you can’t get into class today then purchase your packages online using the code blackfriday2017. Sale ends tonight at midnight!
 Shop Splendid Spoon for $20 off your first order:
You Asked for it, and here it is!
Purchase a 20 Pack and receive 2 classes on us
$600 for 22 classes
that’s only $27 per class!
$109 for FIVE weeks of classes (regularly $136) Email [email protected] and mention Greenwich Moms
10 PACK Group Class Offer for $150! $15/session! Email [email protected] and mention Greenwich Moms
Book a pedicure and get a FREE Manicure!!
 Join (or form) a summer art playgroup now, and receive 20% off. Offer valid until Friday, December 1, 2017, and can not be combined with any other offers.
Here is information on our art playgroups.


Try a FREE class! Email [email protected] for details!


Shop Now for up to 60% OFF jewelry and handbags from local designer, ASHA!


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