Back-to-School Survival Tips (From a Mom of Three) | Greenwich Moms

Back-to-School Survival Tips (From a Mom of Three)

We’re gradually settling into the back to school routine. Transitioning from summer vacation to busy, early starts is never easy. To learn how to make these hectic school days a little easier, we spoke to mom and blogger, Megan Sullivan. *Shop Splendid Spoon and use code SPLENDIDMOM20 for $20 off*

Splendid Spoon: Hey Megan! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Megan: Hi! I’m a mom of three boys under four, living in Greenwich, CT. After college I worked in finance in New York. Several years later, I left the corporate world to focus on my family and work on a blog, The Local Moms Network.

The blog launched with the aim of giving moms the gift of time! We provide a comprehensive collection of resources about the local community, and opportunities to connect, engage with, and support local families. The Local Moms Network has grown to be an up-to-date, informational resource for families in other towns and cities across the U.S.

SS: What’s your weekday morning routine?

MS: The morning is a crazy time in the Sullivan house! I try to always set myself up for success by laying out all clothing, packing backpacks, and having breakfast and snacks ready, or at least planned out, the night before.

I’m lucky enough to have late sleepers, but this does mean that getting the crew up in the morning is tough, especially since my three-year-old’s school starts at 8am (way too early!). I wake up before the kids do, drink a cup of hot water with lemon and honey, make the kids’ breakfast, and write down what I need to accomplish that day. Once everyone is dressed and eating, I pour myself a big cup of coffee with almond milk and Bulletproof. On the way out the door, I grab my Splendid Spoon smoothie.

Once the kids are at school, I head to the gym — my favorite workout is a pilates megaformer [A megaformer is a machine you do a variety of intense exercises on throughout a class, and is designed to help you build muscle, burn fat, and sweat. — Ed.] class called the Lagree method. Once I’ve had my coffee, smoothie, and workout, I’m ready for the day!

SS: September, like January, is a time for fresh starts. Have you made a resolution for yourself or your kids for this school year?

MS: Yes, September is back to school and back to mom month in my house. I’m doing a detox and have scheduled all my annual doctor appointments and facials etc. Plus, I need to focus on losing 25lbs of baby weight (I had my third baby in June). I’m a much better mom, wife, and friend when I take care of myself and feel my best. For me that starts with eating well and working out.

SS: What’s your go-to weekday breakfast?

MS: Breakfast is my favorite meal. A typical breakfast for me is either a Splendid Spoon smoothie, an acai smoothie bowl, or a farm egg over a piece of ezekiel sesame bread and a handful of berries. And always coffee.

SS: What five food staples can you not live without?

MS: Bulletproof coffee, Vital collagen peptides, Bone Broth protein powder, kimchi, and kombucha (we make our own!) [So impressed by this — it’s not an easy process! — Ed.]. Oh, and I have to admit that I’m addicted to Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Green Tea ;).

SS: What’s on your back to school wish list?

MS: I’ve always been against the Apple Watch (for no good reason), but my Fitbit recently broke so I’m heading to the Apple Store this week. It will help me jumpstart my fitness routine and enable me to be more present with my children by not having my phone out all the time.

SS: What’s the best back to school purchase you’ve made this year?

MS: I recently bit the bullet and purchased a Suburban. With three little little kids and two large dogs (a Bouvier and a Wheaten Terrier), having a large car with a big trunk and captain chairs is a must!

SS: What do you do when you need to exhale during the week?

MS: I love making a matcha latte with almond or flax milk and cinnamon (in the summer I pour it over ice), and taking it out to our porch, overlooking the water. A few minutes of salty air and deep breaths helps me regroup and center.

SS: Can you share one hack to transition more smoothly from summer vacation to September school days?

MS: Plan for the day ahead! By preparing everything for the boys and myself the night before, I can get every day off to a smooth start.

Shop Splendid Spoon and use code SPLENDIDMOM20 for $20 off*

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