Summer Beach Season is here!!
The official opening of Greenwich Point and Byram Beach is on Saturday, May 27, 2023 and will run through September 4, 2023.
The ferries to Island Beach and Great Captain’s Island will start up on June 10, 2023 and will run through September 10, 2023. The full ferry schedule can be found here.
The pool area at Byram Park will open on Friday May 26, 2023.
Starting in 2023, all seasonal passes will be available on the OnePass. The all-in-one pass for parks, golf, tennis, pickleball, and marine facility privileges.
All children over 5 require a pass to gain access to the beaches/pools.
Residents can sign up for the OnePass here. The park/beach pass office is open, and people can call 203-622-7817 or email [email protected] with any questions.
Park tickets can also be purchased online and in-person at 94 Strickland Road, Cos Cob, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or until sold out for the day.
The Departments of Health and Parks and Recreation will continue to adhere to the existing policy pertaining to the prohibition of recreational swimming at local tidal beaches after certain rainfall events for all beaches. This policy does not include the Island Beaches since they do not appear to be affected by any one factor such as rainfall. Closures of the Island beaches will be announced by the Department of Health when necessary and announced for other locations after trigger rainfall events.
In carrying out Departmental policy, for the protection of the public’s health, the Division of Environmental Services will collect and analyze beach water samples weekly throughout the season.
After rainfall events of one-half inch (0.5″) or greater, Byram Beach will close automatically for one beach day. If multiple storms occur, then the beach will close for one full day after the rain has stopped. Openings, closings and other announcements related to beach activity will be released by the Department through the Division of Environmental Services Beach Hot Line (203-622-7855) and the Town of Greenwich website ( All swimming closures will be posted at each beach location by the Department of Parks and Recreation.